What is social justice?

Isaiah 1:16b-17 ...cease to do evil; learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause.
So, there are a lot of definitions. And the phrase itself has continued to find its way into the mouths of many. Since this "many" falls on different sides of the argument, it tends to be an uncomfortable term...for some. It is no less relevant to us all, no matter the community we find ourselves in.  The term, if you haven't gathered, is Social Justice.

Here's some ideas I've found across the inter web:
  1. "[Social justice is] The way in which human rights are manifested in the everyday lives of people at every level of society". Wikipedia
  2.  "Social Justice is the equal access of wealth opportunities and privileges within a society" Pachamama Alliance
  3. The objective of making a fair and equal society in which each individual matters, their rights are recognized and protected, and decisions are made that are fair and honest. Oxford reference
Yes, race plays into the conversation, considering it is a social construct that actively upholds tenets that the differences among people (specifically ethnic and physical differences) ought to create and maintain a hierarchical system of haves and have-nots. Yes, wealth plays a part in reinforcing these disparities, and thus goes against social justice. People have dedicated their lives (and some have literally given them), to see equality within society fully realized. Though my belief is that equity must be brought about before equality  can have its day (equality, whether people believe or not, is a given. But it is not demonstrated in society as it ought to be. Thus, it requires an equitable dispersal of resources). Any and all forms of prejudice are the enemy of social justice. 

If I'm honest, I had the idea for this post long before the events of the past few days...the past few months. I didn't want to write it now. But I felt compelled that it is  best to write, both for my own need to process and for you. With the death of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery, as well as the harassment of Amy Cooper towards Christian Cooper in central park recently, the talk of clarifying definitions seems like a moot point right now. And that this is happening in the midst of a pandemic, where almost 370,000 people have died from COVID-19 and over 100,000 of those were in the U.S., makes it all the more trying...and tiring.  

I could not pray at the time it happened.

The first day that I had to decompress from the week, I was whirling from the emotional storm of social media and trying to get my bearings. I also could not cry.  Not because I wasn't sad, but the anger stifled the tears. While I am fully aware that God is in the midst of all this, grieving with us, working all things out for His good and our joy, and understands what it feels like to be a victim of an injustice at the hands of the criminal justice system (consider the crucifixion), I had difficulty connecting to this overarching reality, when the momentary reality in front of me felt like salt dumped into an old and gaping wound. But eventually I did pray and am praying still. Eventually I allowed the sadness to rise...and still it rises. But what next?

I don't have all the answers nor all the skills to address everything that needs to be discussed. In truth, I have to consider where I am and my sphere of influence. I am a teacher...a Montessori teacher. And those within this branch of education are using their position to fully guide young people to see and savor the world, to understand their place within it, to observe the differences in others, to understand them, and to respect them. Maria Montessori believed that education was the pathway to peace:
"Establishing lasting peace is the work of education; all politics can do is keep us out of war" Education and Peace, Maria Montessori
I believe this to be true...to an extent. But if a person is given the correct education, but is not transformed  in the innermost parts of them, by a supernaturally work, there can be structurally peace, but shalom doesn't seem likely. So for me, there is a devotion to the work of Montessori education, yet an overarching devotion to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And within this, as a black man, I can make space for grieving and loving those who have caused my grieving. I can continue to be a masculine influence to young children who may not have that influence otherwise. I can snuff out and teach into the beginning socialization cues that perpetuate the racist climate that permeates this country. But truthfully, I fight jadedness, bitterness, and outright fear each day I leave my home. I know I'm not alone in this. But I also know it will not always be so.  So we continue to push back the dark every way we can.

What are some practical things you are doing to teach the children in your care to be better? What do you think leaders should be doing right now?


  1. Absolutely moving, flavored with truth, love, grit!!!!
    Loved it son!!


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