Various inspirations

Soak up
I find that all of the information and perspectives that I bring to these posts come from the ideas and perspectives of others. But isn't that the same for everyone? We build on information that we've received, adding more insight (hopefully), and sharing more knowledge, more facets to the same diamond. Well, I wanted to take a moment to share with you some of the sources of my inspiration. They are often a mix of books, podcasts and conversations. In the future, I hope to have a separate page on my blog that is dedicated to gathering different resources, both for teachers and everyone else.  I've been trying to embrace this extended time of sheltering in place by engaging in
"sponge work" And no, Montessorians, I don't mean the practical life activity that aids children in building the muscles in their hands by transferring water from one bowl to another via sponge. I just mean taking the time to learn as much as I can through reading lots of books, listening to lots of podcasts, and generally trying to engage my 
mind and body in activities that will promote health and godliness.  I don't know what my future holds in any respect. So I might as well better myself in this "in between" time. With that said, below you'll find a list of books,podcasts, and practices that I've engaged in to promote my own mental health and journey in godliness. I hope you enjoy. Check out my podcast to hear more about my thoughts regarding these resources

All Things Montessori (shout outs to Jamie and Rachel)
Montessori Notebook (Simone Davies)
The Urban Alternative (Pastor Tony Evans)
The Daily (New York Times)

Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend
Pilgrim's Progress John Bunyan
Invisible Man Ralph Ellison
Montessori and Mindfulness by Susan Mayclin Stephenson
We were eight years in power Ta-Nehisi Coates
The Holy Bible by God

Pray (to Jesus)...a lot
Meditate (just keep breathing)
Take walks often
Get your hands in the dirt (garden if you can)
Write (gratitude journal, blog, letters, etc.)
Talk to a human, perhaps two; they can be big ones or little ones


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