A lot has happened (and moving forward)

Moving forward

A few weeks ago I celebrated one year of living in Massachusetts. A year ago, I drove a UHaul truck with my few belongings to a storage unit, and began living with a 92 year old woman who'd been in her town all her life. She's a lovely Christian woman, who I learned so much from in those months. One thing in particular is that it is easy to become accustomed to doing things your way. I never want to become too comfortable in that mindset. Working with children has the ability to amplify your desire to have power "over", or it can increase your flexibility to have power "with". Both ways of being require practice.

So after ten years of living in New York City, working at a total of 3 schools in 10 years, I decided that I was done in the Big Apple. I wanted to leave before I hated the place. The extremes of humanity so easily found in Gotham wore on my heart and mind. To experience it daily--homelessness, unfathomable wealth, continued partiality  and segregation--without the healing balm of natural spaces, was too much. I've since moved out of the 92 year old's home and found my own apartment in a neighboring town. Across the street is the Mystic River, and all the buildings are nestled beneath ancient trees. The sound of crickets has returned to my ears, where before it was only traffic. I'm very thankful for this experience.

Moving upward

I am acutely aware of the reality that God's hand has been with me through all of my experiences. This is why, at this new school, it's important to me to intentionally walk with a worshipful gaze as I work excellently. I don't want to get too comfortable, as though worldly success is my goal. But I want to demonstrate a changed mind and heart, so that I can showcase God's power in changing our tyrannical tantrum-like ways to ones of nobility, joy, and motivating change in the world. It can't be about me. It must be about Christ.

To that end I'm taking the weekend to reflect on the gifts God has given me. Also, I'm humbly considering the reality of what is being asked of me for yet another school year, to guide children to their full potential and not get in their way. Even after ten years of teaching, I still try to take it a day at a time.


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